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Model Name : SPI-127-WSON008-060050-01EP
Order No: 47 Supported Device List
Usable for programmer(s):
ProgMaster-U4 ProgMaster-U8 SF100 SF600Plus-G2 SF700
USD$ 180
*** For SPI Flash & EEPROM

1. Support programming SPI NOR and EEPROM.
2. The SPI Flash I/O (MOSI, CLK) of the Socket Adapter needs to be connected in series with a 4.7K pull-up resistor to VCC to program the EEPROM.
3. Because MOSI, CLK on the Socket Adaptor are connected with pull-up resistors, some SPI NOR Flash Chips use Quad IO, Dual IO, Single IO to program with a high failure rate(example: GD25LB64C/GD25LB128C). ***
Package Type Number of Pin Type PCB Dimension IC Size(mm)
Length(D1) Width(E1) Height(A) Pitch(e) L Pins(D) W Pins(E)
WSON 8 Opentop 64*34 6 5 0.75 1.27

Adaptor Photo IC Drawing(mm)
SPI-127-WSON008-060050-01EP SPI-127-WSON008-060050-01EP
Adaptor manual
  1. Make sure the triangle mark on the bottom left PCB board aims at the triangle mark on the DediProg devices. For more detailed insertion direction, please download the document HERE
    ※Caution: Incorrectly installed the socket adaptor may cause device and socket damage.
  2. Align the Pin 1 mark on the socket with the Pin 1 of the IC. Press down the top of the socket to insert the IC. Visually check the connection between the socket and the device, if it is connected properly, then the device is ready to program.
  3. We recommended using a pick up tool for handling the socket. Do not touch the PCB board directly, because dirt and statics may cause errors during device programming.
  4. Please remove the adaptor from the device after finish the work.
  5. ※Note: There are different sizes of the socket adaptors for ProgMaster & NuProgPlus programmers.
ProgMaster Programmers
Standard Type
  • 64 x 34mm (ProgMaster-U4/U8)
Special Type
  • 64 x 54mm (ProgMaster-U4 only)
  • 64 x 69mm (ProgMaster-U8 only)
Standard Type
  • MCU PCB (82 x 34mm)
  • eMMC & UFS (108 x 34mm)
Special Type
  • MCU PCB (108 x 68mm)
Product File Type File Description Version Download File size Last Update
IC Part Number Manufacturer Chip Type
Socket Adaptor Package IC Size - Length(mm) IC Size - Width(mm) IC Size - Pitch(mm) Remark